Asignaturas Diseño
Graphic Design
Graphic Design Course
- Design basics I: 5 ECTS
- Design basics II: 5 ECTS
- Design basics III: 5 ECTS
- Design basics IV: 5 ECTS
- Design software I: 5 ECTS
- Design software II: 5 ECTS
- Digital design I: 5 ECTS
- Digital design II: 5 ECTS
- Drawing and illustration I: 5 ECTS
- Drawing and illustrationII: 5 ECTS
- Presentation techniches: 5 ECTS
- Web design: 5 ECTS
- Photography: 5 ECTS
- Chalcography: 5 ECTS
Common subjects
- Diseño de documentos de valor: 5 ECTS
- Representación espacial: 5 ECTS
- Historia del Arte: Documentos de Valor y Numismática: 5 ECTS
- Teoría de la imagen y narración visual: 5 ECTS
- Prácticas en empresa: 10 ECTS
- Trabajo Fin de Máster: 20 ECTS
Course outline
Design Software
The designer is currently required to master a number of IT skills as a basic part of his work.
As far as the software used by a designer, a photographer or any other graphics professional is concerned, Adobe Photoshop is the most comprehensive tool available for image-processing and, in particular, the editing of photographic images.
Although it is true that there are free and open-source graphic design software programmes such as GIMP for the editing of this type of image, they lack the possibilities afforded by Photoshop for the creation of photomontages or 3D effects. Indeed, Photoshop provides access to a wide range of filters and tools enabling us to obtain anything from a vector image of varying complexity to a realistic image of a world which initially exists solely in its creator’s imagination.
Teacher: Víctor Valles
Teacher: Miguel Redondo
History of Art: value documents and numismatics
This subject will cover all the basic aspects necessary to familiarise the student with the various forms of representation, techniques and iconography used through the centuries in the design of value documents (banknotes, postage stamps, share certificates and also coins) in terms of the historical and geopolitical context in which they were produced. The subject also covers conceptual and, above all, aesthetic immersion into the area of design and execution of a value document.
Teacher: Guillermo Navarro
Chalcography and non-toxic graphic processes
Here the student will have the opportunity to improve and broaden his knowledge of engraving procedures whilst learning of alternatives to traditional engraving techniques so that he may consider the various possibilities and choose the ones that are least harmful to himself and his environment.
Teacher: Jose Luis Ceña
Design Basics
Combining theory with practice, this subject introduces students to the mechanisms of graphic conceptualisation, project methodology and the execution of visual communication pieces. The instrumental role of design in the areas of professional communication is studied, from typography to spatial applications (signage), including exercises and tasks related to editing and packaging. Under the teacher’s guidance, students will engage in practicals so as to acquire basic graphic design skills. The subject also includes institutional and commercial communication design projects.
Teacher: Víctor Valles
Teacher: Jaime Narváez
Teacher: Julio R. Sanz Melguizo
Learning how to use photography as a tool in design and illustration. With this aim in view, students are given an insight into the history of the camera, starting with its origins and going right through its evolution to digital photography. The subject matter covers the camera’s basic workings and its use, photographic technique and language and also image-processing.
Teacher: Miguel Redondo
Drawing and illustration
In this subject, the student learns how to use illustration in its various applications and facets, including philately. The starting point is a study of the media used in the industry, ending with the execution of a professional task. The subject matter also includes guidelines for the efficient use of documentation and familiarisation with the various factors affecting the process.
Teacher: Miguel Redondo
Teacher: Luis Cabrera
Theory of the image and visual narration
Throughout the course, a selection of texts and audiovisual project viewing sessions will be used as a basis for the analysis of concepts such as the act of seeing, the act of looking, the contemporary perception of the image, the viewpoint of contemporary artists, the space of the discourses from which we see… . The interpretation of new current visual narrations and their construction in the representational field of contemporary creation.
Teacher: Amparo Lozano
Digital Design
The subject matter is based on a knowledge of vector image-processing through the Adobe Illustrator CS5 programme and of bitmap images through the Adobe Photoshop CC programme within the Macintosh environment. Their application not only in the field of graphic design but also in the execution of personal projects in any of the subjects on the Master syllabus and for the execution and presentation of personal projects in general.
Teacher: Víctor Valles
Presentation techniches
Included for the first time in the fifth edition of the Master course, this subject seeks to prepare the student for the task of showing his work and ideas to others. The first part of the course provides a review of the various printing and binding techniques, folding and imposition systems, together with the materials most suited to each purpose. Later, the course addresses aspects surrounding the creation of portfolios and the presentation of projects in any foreseeable format: from traditional physical supports to audiovisual and online presentations.
Teacher: Víctor Valles
Spacial representation
One of the main concerns of artists has been the three-dimensional representation of space in the two dimensions of most of our plastic supports; to re-create the milieu as it is perceived, reflecting apparent changes of aspect, size, definition and form in accordance with the proximity or remoteness of the subject. Hence this part of the course covers an analysis of the subject’s position, the viewpoint, the vanishing points and lines in space.
With the use of digital techniques to create synthetic images, knowledge and mastery of spatial representation have acquired greater significance in that it enables us, for instance, in the areas of photography and film, to create spaces, architecture and landscapes which would otherwise prove impossible to achieve.
Teacher: Miguel Redondo
Design of value documents
The aim of this subject is to provide the student with the technical knowledge necessary to efficiently design banknotes, identity cards and passports for industrial production. With a duration of four months, the subject is comprised of a theoretical part, consisting in an introduction to basic commercial graphic production principles and concepts inherent in high-security printing; and a practical part, subject to assessment, consisting in a start-to-finish banknote design project.
Teachers: Fernando Álvarez Martínez and Manuel Prados Barrera
Web design
This subject focuses on the development of multi-device websites as a tool for artistic expression and as a specific field within design. The aim of the subject is to train the student in the development of all kinds of website for use both on computers and on mobile phones and tablets. The subject is split into the following content blocks:
- IT languages and tools
- Task frameworks and content management systems
- Projects
Whilst it is useful to have some prior knowledge, the subject has been planned and orientated towards students with no knowledge at all of the development of websites.
Teacher: Miguel Angel Roque López
Hands-on experience
The further development of knowledge, skills and attitudes, introducing students to the professional reality of the local, national and international cultural environments.
Coordination: Ramón Freire Santa Cruz
End-of-course project
The end-of-course project constitutes the practical application and theoretical development of all the knowledge acquired by the student whilst training for his specialism. Comprised of 20 ECTS character credits in Compulsory Training, the subject is of particular relevance in the academic tradition of Fine Arts.
Coordination: Javier LLoret and Daniel Sanz